$500.00 USD

Every month

Your payment information will be stored on a secure server for future purchases

One-on-One Weekly Coaching Sessions

Meet with Linda (The Coach) one day per week for one hour, every week. Fee is a monthly charge.  Sign up now if you are committed to Changing Your Real Estate Business.

What you'll get:

  • Customized, Weekly One-On-One Sessions
  • Live Sessions Via Zoom, Texting or Phone
  • Lead Generation Organically
  • Social Media 
  • Monthly Recap of Business 
  • Business Planning
  • Working with your Planner
  • Set Weekly Goals
  • Strategies, Tools and Systems to grow your business
  • Review Weekly Goals
  • Wins - Struggles
  • Review Financials


What People Are Saying:

Simply the Best! As the Tina Turner song goes, simply the best! I have watched Linda’s path from a fabulous real estates agent, extremely respected within the industry, to extraordinary managing broker, guiding legions of agents to grow and excel, and coaching them to the next level. If your looking to take your business to the next level, or hone in on the skills that are uniquely yours, there is no one better to guide the way! I would highly recommend Linda Fogarty!

Beth Lavenka - Coldwell Banker